May 9, 2011

Busy, busy, BUSY!!

Well, the craziness has not stopped since we got home last Monday! Here's a (hopefully) short rundown on what we've been up to.

~ Tuesday we tried to rest up and recuperate from the trip. Between my allergies and something triggering my dysautonomia symptoms again I was shot! And everyone else was too I think so it was nice just to have a day of taking it easy.

~ Wednesday we had graduation practice for Delancey and ended up staying there awhile. That took up alot of the day other than just doing a few things around the house before and after going. I'm sure the actual program will go smoothly but practices are always a little nerve-wracking...especially since I'm trying to play the piano for it!

~ Thursday started out with us planning to get some more stuff done around the house and focusing especially on the overwhelming piles of laundry! A homeschool friend called asking us to keep a couple of their kids that night while they traveled to Birmingham for surgery the next day so that added more craziness into the mix. :) We were glad to help out though and managed to get a good bit done before they were dropped off that evening.

~ Friday of course mostly consisted of watching 5 kiddos and trying to maintain some amount of order to the house at the same time. (ha!) The day went good for the most part though and the kids had a blast playing. That night we took them home and made a quick run to Hobby Lobby to pick up a couple of things for mother's day.

~ Saturday we ate breakfast and picked up around the house some. We had made plans to take Delancey with some friends to a Cinderella play in Huntsville, which was cancelled the weekend before and then rescheduled due to the storms. After getting everyone dropped off, picked up, we headed to Bridge Street (the outdoor mall) for some pizza and icecream then off to the show! It was great and the kids all had so much fun. A great idea for something to do in place of a regular birthday party! Unfortunately being around more smells, etc had my allergies in horrible shape plus also triggered a migraine type headache so needless to say I had a rough night afterwards. But it was still worth it!

~ Sunday we had a slow start since I was still feeling so bad. Thankfully mom and dad had already invited us over for lunch so I didn't have to worry about doing much. We ended up just going over there and staying part of the day with the kids playing and me mostly laying around. We had a good day overall was good to just spend the day taking it easy with family. I'm so blessed to have the mother I do and be a mother to my own 3.

That's about it I guess. This week is gearing up to be just as busy with Delancey turning 6 tomorrow and then graduating from kindergarten on Thursday. I have a couple more post I want to work on (with pictures!) but who knows when or if I'll actually get around to it?! I'll try to check back in soon though, if nothing else just to keep a record of all the stuff these kiddos are doing while they grow up so fast. Until then....

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