February 2, 2012

Things I Love {Thursday}

This has been a busy, crazy week and I definitely have some things to share that I've loved about it! So let's get started, shall we? :)

~ Feeling much less nauseated for at least part of every day. (YAY!!!) This is a huge thing really and I'm so thankful for the Lord helping me with it. It's been alot more manageable the past few days and I've actually been able to do much more than before.

~ Seeing a missionary friend for the first time since he came back from a long stay in Brazil. He is such a great man of God and the kids love him to death. It's awesome to see Dathan have that kind of hero and role model!

~ Getting to attend some campmeeting services and hear wonderful preaching from the Lord. I was so thankful to feel like going and get to be there with my family! The best part has been seeing how much the kids have really wanted to go and enjoyed being there.

~ Darcey sleeping a little later than usual (which gives me more rest) and the older kids sleeping through the night for several nights in a row. At our house, getting good sleep is rare so I am always thankful when some of us do!

~ My parents helping out so much with the kids when we need them and also just enjoying spending time with them.

~ Blake having a steady job and working so hard when he has overtime without complaining. (which has been alot the past couple weeks) We are blessed to have our needs provided for and I'm doubly blessed to be able to stay home with my babies while he works.

~ And last but never least always so thankful that God loved us enough to send His own Son to die for us. I don't ever want to get over being amazed at that!! Our older kiddos have been asking lots of questions about being saved and I think the Lord has been working in their hearts. I can't wait for the day that they each get to experience salvation for themselves. :)

Well, there's some things I'm loving! Won't you join me in sharing some of your things? I'd love to hear them!

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